Sunday, July 22, 2007

Isn't it strange how somethings switch on memories. While somethings are best forgotten, I still do not remember much about my time in hospital, nothing about most of the Tuesday that I wound up in hospital and very little of the day that I had the brain surgery and the day after. For me music is one of the things that triggers memories so sitting here watching TV I often find myself remembering my year of travels especially Canada as it wass January and February ( extremely cold) and I would often spend time warming up in the department stores warming up this was the cheap way to warm up pand kept me away from the delicious hot chocolate that could be brought in most of the coffee shops.

It is a good though unexpected way to remember.

I am feeling a little better more so becaue I had a visit from Jennie today. It was good to see somebody from the place that I usually spend so much of my time. Nice to know that most of you miss me. I am looking forward to coming back and seeing you all again. I just hope that you won't be too bored by me as I might be a little bit slower than usual, there won't be many fast paced lessons as I have to take thing slowly otherwise I get tired. I will do my best to keep up with you all.


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